Primary Phonics More Workbook 1 Grades K-2

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Primary Phonics More Workbook 1 Grades K-2

Primary Phonics More Workbook 1 Grades K-2



MORE Workbooks: Provide additional practice and reinforce the skills developed in student workbook 1.

Designed for the student who needs additional practice with the concepts taught in Primary Phonics 1. Short vowels, short vowel discrimination and practice with the 17 consonants are emphasized, though at a faster pace than Primary Phonics 1. Initial consonant sounds, short vowel sounds, sight vocabulary and sentence construction are also included. 96 pages, softcover.


Product Information

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 80
Vendor: Educators Publishing Service
Publication Date: 1999

Dimensions: 11 X 8.5 X .25 (inches)
ISBN-13: 9780838815915
Series: Primary Phonics


Primary Phonics Level 1pri-level1-comp.jpg

  • Consonant review
  • Short vowels
  • Sight words

Student Materials

  • Workbook 1
  • More Workbook 1
  • Storybook Set 1 + Set 1A
  • Comprehension Workbook 1

Teacher Materials

  • Teacher's Guides 1•2•3
  • Intervention Guide 1-6
  • Storybooks 1•2•3 Audio CD

Skills Addressed

  • Initial consonant sounds
  • Short vowel sounds
  • Sight vocabulary
  • Sentence construction

Primary Phonics Program Components: (sold separately) 

Student Workbooks: provide extensive practice for every concept - accommodates all students, so that each student can work at the right pace with ample opportunities for reinforcement. Explicit phonics instruction with controlled vocabulary. Exercises combine both decoding and spelling instruction.

MORE Workbooks: Provide additional practice and reinforce the skills developed in student workbooks 1,2 and 3. Additional practice workbooks also include Color Workbook Grade K & Consonant Workbook.

Storybooks: Decodable storybooks motivate students as they apply newly learned phonics skills to engaging stories. A storybook for every concept allows student to read in context, making phonics meaningful. Students feel successful as they read books on their own from the beginning of instruction. Two additional sets of Storybooks, Sets 1 and 2A, provide additional practice and reinforce phonic concepts.

Storybook Audio CDs: Model fluent reading with connected text. All 80 storybooks are read aloud, providing auditory modeling and correct pronunciation. A great tool for ELL students!

Comprehension Workbooks: Students develop comprehension skills as they sequence, recognize story elements, and use context clues to build meaning. Each workbook corresponds to story books within each level. 

Picture Dictionary: Beginning readers are able to match common words with corresponding pictures. Especially effective for English Language Learners. (223 pp.) Great Classroom Resource! 

Teacher's Guides: Detailed lesson plans include phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and writing. Cross-references are made to student materials provide extra instruction for students who need more practice.

Intervention Guides Levels 1-6: The Intervention Guide Levels 1-6 presents a reading approach designed for students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. The Guide contains 60 lessons, corresponding to the Primary Phonics storybooks with instruction provided in three learning styles: visual, auditory, and tactile.