Core Skills: Science Grade 6

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Core Skills: Science Grade 6

Steck-Vaughn Core Skills: Science Workbook Grade 6

Aligns with Common Core Reading Standards for Literacy in Science. This engaging series covers the basics of science instruction for grades 1-8. Steck-Vaughn Core Skills: Science series provides informative readings and worksheets on a wide variety of topics in earth, life, and physical science. Activities are logically sequenced, transitioning smoothly from basic comprehension of concepts to higher-order thinking skills. Worksheets include activities that target:

  • Scientific Vocabulary: Activities challenge students to show their understanding of scientific terms by a variety of methods, such as differentiating between words, and using them in meaningful sentences.
  • Reading Skills: Comprehension questions ascertain that students understand what they have read and develop reading skills that pertain to science. 
  • Scientific Inquiry Skills: Students will learn the basic skills of scientific inquiry, including hypothesizing, observing, experimenting, and classifying data.
  • Critical Thinking: Activities increase students' ability to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate scientific information.
  • Test Prep Questions: Science questions in standardized test format help students in grades 3-6 prepare for state exams. 
Grade: 6
Material Type: Student Materials
Format: Softcover, 136 Pages
ISBN-13/EAN: 9780544268166
ISBN-10: 0544268164
Product Code: 1567999
National/State: National
Copyright Year: 2014